App version:
0.2.3 (02 May 2024)
Data version:
The Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC), also known as Children of the 90s, is a world-leading birth cohort study, charting the health of 14,500 families in the Bristol area. You can find full information about the cohort here
For more than two decades clinic and questionnaire data has been collected from the participants.
This search tool is a quick and abridged version of a much more extensive data dictionary. You can find a lot more detail about these data here
Use this website to search through the variables, obtain their identifiers and the number of records with that measure
You can use download lists of selected variables. For direct users, this can be used to extract variables directly. Alternatively, add this list to your data request form to specify the data that you require.
Source code at
Changes - correction to mult-mum cases included and cohort case selection criteria
Contents page updated with explanation of legacy issue regarding error in formatted page numbers
Energy intake derived variables, ff7dd400 to f7dd404.
Incorrectly labelled as j3b instead of j3a, data file and documentation corrected.
Fm1a011 erroneously included (from FOM1 clinic) in FOM2 data file. Text in documentation incorrectly referred to FOM1 hip dxa data in the pQCT derived variable section. The DV’s (fm2pq013a to fm2pq280b) are derived from fm2pq007 to fm2pq012.
We are pleased to announce that the following new data is now available on general release:
Mental health treatment derived data: antidepessant/antipsychotic/anxiolytic medications and medication behaviours.
The mult_mum variable is used to detect those mothers who have had multiple G1 pregnancies. This variable is now located within the mothers cohort profile file (MZ).
COVID5_YP_2a, COVID5_Mum_2a and COVID5_G0Partner_2a
Child-based Deprivation Indices & urban/rural status
Serology 2 dataset
COVID questionnaire data now available
Updates have been made to the following variable collections
Updates have been made to the following variable collections
Updates have been made to the following variable collections
Use the search box to filter on keywords or terms. Click on rows to select those variables. Click the Download button to download a csv of the variables that you have selected.
If there is anything you cannot find, please consult the data dictionary or variables catalog . You can also get help from the team at .
Note: Sometimes the sample counts presented here will be inaccurate - consult the data dictionary data dictionary for accurate summary data for each of the variables
Note: High dimensional biological data including genetic variants, DNA methylation measures and gene expression measures are not included in this tool. You can find out more about sample availability here
These rows are currently selected: